How To Overcome Depression – The Journey Towards Happiness
Many theories surround the belief that women are more susceptible to depression than men. Theories on gender differences, heredity, socio-environmental pressures, differences in roles, and social situations between men and women are some of the common factors, among others.
Clinical research results show that depression is more common in women than in men, and the age range starts as early as the pre-teens (12 years of age) and across the age brackets (middle-aged and menopausal women). However, the prevalence in women is more attributed to heredity and socio-environmental pressures that allow depression to occur in most cases. However, researches were launched to study more on these various causes and factors to learn how to overcome depression scientifically.
Genetics and Environment
Biological factors show that depression from one person can be passed on to an offspring. Researchers have provided tangible results with control groups where women and men belonging to families are interviewed to show that family situations, tightly knitted ties, and parents exposed their children to depression often result in recreating the same conditions in their children to become depressed themselves. However, this also includes genetic factors like parents having clinical depression and their kids exhibiting the same characteristics and behaviors (more of the recessive traits).
There are many ways to learn how to overcome depression naturally. Getting away from bouts of depression can be a difficult task without help and support from family, friends, and peers. Some people resort to medication to arrest the symptoms of depression. However, these quick fixes often lead to a disastrous end when the person becomes addicted or dependent on medicine just to have a good night’s sleep.
The best way around it is to encourage the person to become more participative in activities that will take away his mind from negative thoughts. Engaging in hobbies, sports activities, community service, work, and other meaningful human experiences can naturally heal a person from dwelling in his depressive moments.
Getting Help for Depression
There are many possible s on how to overcome depression and anxiety like getting professional advice from a qualified psychologist. In America, there is a huge population of people who are depressed but only a few can avail of this medical solution to respond to the need to relieve stress, anxiety, sleeping disorders, and other mental disorders that often come as a result of depression. According to in an article written in September 2008, 1 out of 20 Americans are depressed among those from ages 12 to older people. Among this percentage, only about 39% confirmed that they can call or ask for the services of a psychologist or psychiatrist.
There are many ways how to overcome anxiety and depression without going through a lot of interrogation from people who are outside one’s social circles. Some people are private and prefer a low-profile solution. There are those, however, who get external help from online support groups and small community pocket sessions from concerned members of the church or school. Yet, one has to be very cautious in choosing the kind of support group to join to avoid losing the battle against depression. People have different beliefs on how to overcome stress and depression effectively.
Recurring Depression
Yet the best cure is to keep the self-aware of how depression can be managed if it cannot completely disappear. Such is true for seasonal depressive disorders common in older people (Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD). This not only affects women but also men in most parts of North America where they are exposed to cold temperatures and longer hours of indoor environments. This is a recurring depression brought about by the seasons and affects people at a certain time of year with certain conditions that aggravate depression. Still, this type of depression can be treated so there’s no reason to lose hope.